2010年3月19日 | 标签:

This Contract is entered into by and between __AND __. The term of this Agreement shall begin on [03 Dec 2009] and shall continue through its termination date of [15 Jan 2010].


Both parties agree that Party B will take part in the selling of eight models of children books(re appendix 1) being conducted by Party A. The goods have been shipped from China to Algeria under B/L no. MSCUYB744020 and B/L no.

MSCUYB743758 (appendix 2 & 3). This agreement concludes the share of profit for Party B from the sales of goods.


1.  The Goods: eight models of children books and toys (re appendix l) with a value of RMB l,520,520

2. Of the total value mentioned in term l, Party A invested RMB300,000 while Party B invested RMB1,220,520

3. Either Party will have at least 50% profit based on its share set out in term 2. In any circumstances, Party A guarantees that Party B will have a profit of at least 50% from its share;

4. Upon expiry of the contract, Party A shall return Party B’s asset by offering Party B below two options, between which Party B shall confirm its preference upon expiry of the contract:

4.1 0ption 1. Party A shall return Party B’s full investment amount plus at least 50% profit, which is equivalent to at least RMB450,000;

4.2  0ption 2. Party A shall return the profit (at least 50%, i.e. RMB150,000) to Party B, in which case Party A shall offer another investment project that Party B may option to invest the remaining RMB300,000 in

5. Upon expiry of the contract, if Party A delays the payment (as set out in term 4) to Party B, Party B is entitled to claim from Party A a surcharge of 0.06% per day on the outstanding amount;

6. This agreement made to be for one month and twelve days starting from the date of the contract;

In consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the Party A agrees that it shall endeavor to sell the goods at highest profit possible and at minimum 50%. shall return Party B’s asset in due course and shall comply with the terms described in this contract. Party B agrees that it shall comply with the terms described in the contract.

This Contract may not be modified in any manner unless in writing and signed by both Parties. This document and any attachments hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties. This Contract shall be binding upon the Parties, their successors, heirs and assigns and shall be enforced under the laws of the People’s Republic of China.





  1. 货物:8个类型的儿童图书及玩具(参见附录1),价值一百五十二万零五百二十元人民币
  2. 在条款1中提到的总价值中,甲方入股三十万元人民币,乙方入股一百二十二万零五百二十元人民币
  3. 双方都将得到至少50%的利润,这个利润是基于条款2中所列出的双方的股份。在任何情况下,甲方都保证乙方将从她的股份中获得至少50%的利润。
  4. 当合同期满,甲方应通过提供以下两种选择返还乙方的资产,当合同期满,乙方应在两种选择中确认自己更喜欢哪一种选择:


选择2. 甲方应返还利润(至少50%,例如十五万元人民币)给乙方,在这种情况下甲方应提供另外一个乙方选择投资剩下的三十万元人民币的投资项目

  1. 当合同期满,如果甲方延迟付款(第4条列出的数额)给乙方,乙方有权每天向甲方索要基于未偿还数额0.06%的额外费用。
  2. 本合同自签约日起有效期为一个月零十二天




2010年3月19日 | 标签:

Property Agreement

__ (husband) purchased a non-marital real estate property for his son __ The eight-unit-property[apartment number 1464,1465,1467(7E)1467(7F),1468,1469,1470 and 1501] is a part of Ming-shi Sparing Apartment Complex,which is located at Zhongshan Garden Road,Nantou,Nanshan District,Shenzhen,China. __ (wife) and her daughter __ agree to give up all rights to the above mentioned property that will be owned entirely by __ who’s legal guardian is his father __ (US passport number:134066781) or his brother __.

In witness whereof, these parties have signed this agreement as their free act and deed on this.

Day of February,2009.

__                                                     __


State of Notary

I,___,certify that this document was executed by the above individuals in my presence.

Notary Signature




__                                                  __







2010年3月5日 | 标签: , ,

在一个地方呆久了,倦是迟早的事,就连我这样一不善改变的人也觉到了难耐。早想换个环境,换种状态了,一直没下定决心,得过且过的混到了现在。同学们不知 都挪了多少个窝了,我却还在原地打转,不是说经常换工作就是好事,但,这次,哥们终于还是决定要走了。现在的工作其实也不错的,自由无束,工作内容完全由 我掌控。很感谢给我提供第一份工作的公司,我就是觉得我的才能已经发挥到极限了,留在这里也不会有太大的突破,走是对双方都好的选择。

一 直想找一个更高更好的平台,要能把自己所有的潜在才能发挥出来,当然赚钱也是首要考虑的因素。经常会提到一个词:无力感,是的,就像我整个人目前的状态, 活力尽失,一点也不阳光。我总结了下留下来的理由,发现一切都不过是自己欺骗自己的托词,没有什么,真的。离开,洒脱的,可能赚,也可能赔,但为了逃避风 险的固步自封又能有什么好的结果呢?越来越讨厌一成不变的生活,波澜不惊,一开头就能望到结局,可能中间会有些小惊喜,但终究是要归于平寂,就像是一将死 之人心电图的走势。

平顺安逸的生活真的很难催生出什么宏大雄浑的思想,我需要改变,哪怕结果很不堪,至少,尝试了也就无悔了。甚至我都开 始幻想新的环境与新的生活,可能比现在累不少,也可能压力会大许多,但我依然向往。经常的思考,不断的自省,我会什么?能做成什么?还要学习什么?未来的 方向又是什么?我想要的生活又是什么?骨子里我就是一固执扭气的人,经常的一条道走到黑,不懂得修正,不知道变通。

让一切重新回到毕业的那年那月,再次的投简历,面试,试用,正式上班。所不同的是,现在的简历上可以加上工作经验这条了,自信与底气也比初出校门的那个稚气青年足了太多。我甚至有把握空着手拿下任何一份我看上的工作,并用之后的工作业绩证明自己的实力。深圳这么大,我却将自己固步在如此小的圈子里,如此之久,是时候冲破这一切 了。想好了,三个方向:业务,外贸,翻译,然后找一堆的公司投简历,面试。


2010年2月4日 | 标签: ,

6、精通google adwords广告应用以及其它广告投放渠道。

2009年1月5日 | 标签:

译自: Top 10 Strangest Things in the Univers


The more we look among the stars and galaxies, the weirder things seem to get. Even space itself is puzzling, for example. Recent studies suggest that the fabric of the universe stretches more than 150 billion light-years across — in spite of the fact that the cosmos is 13.7 billion years old. From super-fast stars to the nature of matter, here we cover other strange and mysterious elements of the universe.


10. Hypervelocity Stars

If you’ve ever gazed at the night sky, you’ve probably wished upon a shooting star (which are really meteors).But shooting stars do exist, and they’re as rare as one in 100 million. In 2005, astronomers discovered the first “hypervelocity” star careening out of a galaxy at nearly 530 miles per second (10 times faster than ordinary star movement).We have ideas about what flings these rare stars into deep space, but aren’t certain; anything from off-kilter supernova explosions to supermassive black holes might be responsible.


如果你曾经仰望星空,你很可能希望出现一颗流星(这是真正的流星)。流星虽然存在但是就像1亿分之一那样稀有。在2005年,天文学家 发现第一个超高速恒星以将尽530英里每秒(比一般的恒星移动速度快10倍)的速度冲出银河。我们已经知道是什么把这些稀有恒星抛入了外层空间,但是还有确定;从不正常超新星爆炸到超级黑洞的任何事情都可能是值得信赖的。

9. Black Holes

Speaking of black holes, what could be stranger?Beyond a black hole’s gravitational border — or event horizon — neither matter nor light can escape. Astrophysicists think dying stars about three to 20 times the mass of the sun can form these strange objects. At the center of galaxies, black holes about 10,000 to 18 billion times heavier than the sun are thought to exist, enlarged by gobbling up gas, dust, stars and small black holes. What about mid-sized types? Perhaps surprisingly, evidence is both scarce and questionable for their existence.



8. Magnetars

The sun spins about once every 25 days, gradually deforming its magnetic field. Well, imagine a dying star heavier than the sun collapsing into a wad of matter just a dozen miles in diameter. Like a spinning ballerina pulling his or her arms inward, this change in size spins the neutron star — and its magnetic field — out of control. Calculations show these objects possess temporary magnetic fields about one million billion times stronger than the Earth’s. That’s powerful enough to destroy your credit card from hundreds of thousands of miles away, and deform atoms into ultra-thin cylinders.



7. Neutrinos

Pull out a dime from your pocket and hold it up for a second… guess what? About 150 billion tiny, nearly massless particles called neutrinos just passed through it as though it didn’t even exist. Scientists have found that they originate in stars (living or exploding), nuclear material and from the Big Bang. The elementary particles come in three “flavors” and, stranger still, seem to disappear on a whim. Because neutrinos occasionally do interact with “normal” matter such as water and mineral oil, scientists hope they can use them as a revolutionary telescope to see beyond parts of the universe obscured by dust and gas.


从你的口袋中拿出一枚一角硬币举上几秒种…猜猜发生了什么?大约1500亿微小的几乎无质量的中子刚刚通过它就好像它根本不存在。科学家们发现它们起源于恒星(现存的或者爆炸了的),核材料以及大爆炸。在基本粒子中有三个“口味” ,并仍然陌生,似乎消失的心血来潮。因为中微子偶然与正常的物质地例如水和矿物油相互作用,科学家们希望他们能够运用它们做为一个革命性的望远镜去观测被尘埃和气体湮没的部分宇宙。

6. Dark Matter

If you put all of the energy and matter of the cosmos into a pie and divvy it up, the result is shocking. All of the galaxies, stars, planets, comets, asteroids, dust, gas and particles account for just 4 percent of the known universe. Most of what we call “matter” — about 23 percent of the universe — is invisible to human eyes and instruments. For now. Scientists can see dark matter’s gravitational tug on stars and galaxies, but are searching feverishly for ways to detect it first-hand. They think particles similar to neutrinos yet far more massive could be the mysterious, unseen stuff.



5. Dark Energy

What really has everyone on the planet confused — including scientists — is dark energy. To continue with the pie analogy, dark energy is a Garfield-sized portion at 73 percent of the known universe. It seems to pervade all of space and push galaxies farther and farther away from one another at increasingly faster speeds. Some cosmologists think this expansion will leave the Milky Way galaxy as an “island universe” in a few trillion years with no other galaxies visible. Others think the rate of expansion will become so great that it will result in a “Big Rip.” In this scenario, the force of dark energy overcomes gravity to disassemble stars and planets, the forces keeping particles sticking together, the molecules in those particles, and eventually the atoms and subatomic particles. Thankfully, humankind probably won’t be around to witness to cataclysm.



4. Planets

It might sound strange because we live on one, but planets are some of the more mysterious members of the universe. So far, no theory can fully explain how disks of gas and dust around stars form planets — particularly rocky ones. Not making matters easier is the fact that most of a planet is concealed beneath its surface. Advanced gadgetry can offer clues of what lies beneath, but we have heavily explored only a few planets in the solar system. Only in 1999 was the first planet outside of our celestial neighborhood detected and in November 2008 the first bona fide explanted images taken.



3. Gravity

The force that helps stars ignite, planets stay together and objects orbit is one of the most pervasive yet weakest in the cosmos. Scientists have fine-tuned just about every equation and model to describe and predict gravity, yet its source within matter remains a complete and utter mystery.Some think infinitesimal particles called gravitons exude the force in all matter, but whether or not they could ever be detected is questionable. Still, a massive hunt is on for major shake-ups in the universe called gravitational waves. If detected (perhaps from a merger of black holes), Albert Einstein’s concept that the universe has a “fabric” of spacetime would be on solid ground.



2. Life

Matter and energy abound in the universe, but only in a few places is the roll of the cosmic dice perfect enough to result in life.The basic ingredients and conditions necessary for this strange phenomenon are better understood than ever before, thanks to abundant access to life here on Earth. But the exact recipe — or recipes — to go from the basic elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur to an organism is a prevailing mystery. Scientists seek out new areas in the solar system where life could have thrived (or still may, such as below the surface of watery moons), in hopes of arriving at a compelling theory for life’s origins.



1. The Universe

The source of energy, matter and the universe itself is the ultimate mystery of, well, the universe. Based on a widespread afterglow called the cosmic microwave background (and other evidence), scientists think that the cosmos formed from a “Big Bang” — an incomprehensible expansion of energy from an ultra-hot, ultra-dense state. Describing time before the event, however, may be impossible. Still, atom smasher searches for particles that formed shortly after the Big Bang could shed new light on the universe’s mysterious existence — and make it a bit less strange than it is today.

